Westside Worship Center
Annual Toy Giveaway
​Westside Worship Center (WWC) joins with MORH1 and other volunteers to serve the young people of our community. We were blessed to be chosen as one of the sites to host the Mayor's Toy Give Away. Many families were served.​We joined hands in prayer as we readied ourselves to serve the people as they came through to receive items that helped to ensure their children did not have an empty Christmas. As God opens the doors, we look forward to having the opportunity to continue to serve this community.
Back-To-School Back Pack​
Back-To-School Back Pack Give Away​The Lord blessed Westside Worship Center (WWC) to partner with Mohr 1 Youth Center to present to the community an Open House & Back to School Rally. We were blessed to purchase quality back-packs and supporting supplies for a total of approximately 55 young people ages ranging from kinder garden through college aged students. On August 20, 2011 we opened the doors and the gates and celebrated with singing, prayer, food, music, and other entertainment. Each student along with their parent/s or guardian came out to enjoy this great event. We thank God for such a successful event and we welcome every opportunity to provide service to our fellow man!
Summer Fitness Camp
​Our partnership with LifeStyle Studio (LSS) continues as Coach Lawrence provides a Summer Fitness Camp for the Afterschool Program. The children have been able to get to know Coach and have accepted and embraced his programs as they look forward to participating at each event. ​​In the past two years WWC has offered a Weekend Warrior Physical Fitness program at a very low cost to its members and the community at large. Weekend Warrior will now be offered on alternating weekends and will be held at LifeStyle Studio. You may check our calendar to confirm the schedule.